"I'd sit on my house step and watch the parade of those power addicts,
who instantly converted themselves to the cause.
It is an immense pleasure".
Olga Hernandez Carrasco
Peruvian intellectual, Facebook user.
T here is a current configuration to our means of communication, supported by new languages that rise with a certain sequential rhythm and have chosen different diaspora as depositories of their life hopes, studying and working in distant realities and localized particularly in developed countries.
Currently – because in two or three years time, it's possible they won't be active any longer and have been substituted by others – a social network known as Facebook alongside it's colleagues YouTube and Twitter, mobilize millions of people almost the whole world over. It is for such reason that approximately 2 million Peruvians who live in Europe, North and South America, are part of a universe which counts more than 6 million on the electoral roll eligible to vote, and have exerted a considerable pressure to chose the president of their native land.
Around the last 5th of June, when there was a second round to elect one of two opponents as president of Peru, Ollanta Humala Tasso was chosen. Never before had we seen such a similar volume of information, passions, emotions, even hate, offered up via the presence of Peruvians in the referenced social network, which in some cases reached extraordinary levels.
What can we say about Ollanta Moisés Humala Tasso, new president of Peru and the ex-rival Keiko Sofía Fujimori Higuchi, characters who have modified the metabolism of many Peruvian citizens both inside and outside their country? Keiko Fujimori, according to the RPP website, considered unjust declarations that the writer Mario Vargas Llosa gave to the Argentinian daily La Nación, where he pointed out that she was the biggest evil of the elections. Mario Vargas Llosa today said in Argentina that he would vote for Ollanta Humala in the second round of the presidential elections of 2011 in Peru: "With no joy, and a lot of fear, I'm voting for Humala and I'm going to ask democratic Peruvians to do the same as me" said the Nobel for Literature.
Ollanta Humala responded with eloquence, "We are grateful for the backing of Mario Vargas Llosa, as are millions of Peruvians. We don't ask for a blank cheque, or their trust as a gift, trust has to be earned", he expressed in RPP News.
Ollanta Humala Tasso, was born in Lima the 27th of June 1962, the second of seven brothers born from the marriage of Isaac Humala Núñez, business lawyer and Elena Tasso Heredia, lawyer and teacher, descendant of the Italian Termilio Tasso, who came to Peru in 1850. Both are natives of Ayacucho, the Peruvian province which became one of the bloodiest settings for the clash between security forces and the "Shining Path".
Ollanta is married to Nadine Heredia Alarcón, parent and wife who carried out her studies in the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, she holds a Masters in Sociology and in France has begun a Doctorate in Political Science. She is a woman who reaffirms her social sensibilities in defence of the poor and at least, will not promote the sterilization of 300 thousand Peruvians, unlike Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000), the father of her opponent who used emissaries from the Government's Health Ministry, as corroborated by Cléofl, mother of seven sons had prior to her operation. Diana Gamboa, from the daily Público, Spain explains: "I didn't want to be subjected to this operation, and I didn't know that I would no longer be able to have children, they didn't tell me. They came with promises of food, of medicine, but we never received a thing, only pain".
Ollanta is an authentic Peruvian, a mestizo like the enormous majority of his country's population, all that is left is for him to realize his mission, there is no other way. |